
Developing a platform around hGFs unique properties and innovative bioproduction process to address several indications with strong unmet medical needs

Knee Osteoarthritis

Scarcell Therapeutics has chosen the treatment of osteoarthritis as the indication for its first product.

Scarcell Therapeutics' hGF cell therapy has the potential to not only relieve symptoms, but also to regenerate cartilage in patients suffering from osteoarthritis thereby delaying the need for surgical joint replacement.

654 million individuals in the world suffer from knee OA.1 The prevalence in individuals over the age of 15 is 16%2 and it is twice as high for women over the age of 60. Incidence is 203 per 10,000 person-years. Prevalence and incidence increase with age and obesity, especially in patients with frequent comorbid conditions.

The annual cost of knee OA is estimated at $27 billion (medical spending and lost wages) in the US3, including between $7 and $15 billion for the cost of knee treatments.

1 • Cui, Lancet 2020
2 • Wallace, PNAS 2017
3 • Losina 2015


* Potential additional indications/opportunities to be confirmed

Other disease treatment opportunities

Scarcell Therapeutics intends to target osteoarthritis of other joints.

In addition, Scarcell Therapeutics' unique allogeneic cell therapy solution may also help patients in other indications with significant unmet medical needs which the company plans to explore via additional research and preclinical activities. They include other inflammatory diseases, dermatology applications, and aneurysms.