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A breakthrough allogeneic cell therapy

Scarcell Therapeutics

Game Changing Allogeneic Cell Therapy for Tissue Repair

2 major innovations in allogeneic cell therapy



Technological impact

• Innovative bioproduction using non-modified human GFs decreases production costs to allow greater patient access to effective allogeneic cell therapy

Clinical impact

•A unique combination of anti-inflammatory and tissue repair properties via immune tolerance may allow for new treatments to be created for many diseases, such as inflammatory and tissue repair disorders.

Social impact

• Scarcell Therapeutics' goal is to provide an effective new regenerative therapy at a lower cost

Environmental impact

• Environmentally friendly bioproduction process
• May reduce drug consumption

Scarcell therapeutics collaborates with a network of renowned partners and institutional bodies

The production process is developed in partnership with CDMOs
Clients Clients

Scarcell Therapeutics is supported by the following clusters and Bpifrance.
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Scarcell Therapeutics is privately funded and has been granted non-dilutive funding from the French government (France 2030) and the European Union (Next Generation EU).

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